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GEAR UP Jefferson County

GEAR UP Jefferson County

What is GEAR UP?

GEAR UP stands for “Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs.” is for all students to be academically, socially, and financially ready to enter and succeed in the postsecondary program or institution of their choice.

What does the GEAR UP Jefferson County program do?

GEAR UP Jefferson County provides supplemental support services to help students achieve their goals and dreams after high school. Examples of the services they might receive are as follows:

  • Tutoring and academic enrichment
  • College visits
  • Career planning
  • Leadership and mentoring programs
  • Financial aid and scholarship workshops

Who can participate in GEAR UP?

All students from the listed schools and graduation classes in Jefferson County who do not waive participation will receive college and career success support and resources. There are no additional qualifications for services and students are not required to participate in every activity. GEAR UP also offers activities to help parents/guardians plan for their student(s)’ postsecondary education.

GEAR UP Media Notification/Release

GEAR UP Jefferson County aims to celebrate student, family, and school successes. GEAR UP Jefferson County students and families may be photographed during GEAR UP sponsored activities to showcase program involvement and achievements. These services include pictures and videos of you and your child in GEAR UP promotional materials, including, but not limited to the following: newspapers, television broadcasts, brochures, posters, web pages, newsletters, and social media feeds. Photos and videos will never identify students by name unless prior approval has been given. Parents/guardians may choose to opt-out of services, rather than agree to the media release. You are welcome to resume GEAR UP services at any time if you choose to opt-out now. To update your opt-out form please contacting GEAR UP Jefferson County at or (205) 665-6300.

How can I get more information?

You will be receiving communication from the GEAR UP Jefferson County Coordinator at your school. You can also get more information by following our GEAR UP Jefferson County social media sites on Facebook or Twitter or calling (205) 665-6300.